ovo svm_反思我在OVO担任远程产品设计实习生的时间

article/2025/3/15 15:48:43

ovo svm

In a quiet bedroom accompanied only by the low humming of my laptop fan, I sat before a Google Hangouts meeting, and got to know my colleagues for the first time, unaware of the joy of a ride that was waiting for me at OVO Design.

在一个安静的卧室里,只有低调的笔记本电脑风扇嗡嗡作响,我坐在Google环聊会议之前,第一次认识了我的同事,却没有意识到在OVO Design上等我的乐趣。

I was anticipating to work alongside the people behind the sensational digital wallet app, the lunch breaks with intern friends, the wild ideations with post-its on the glass windows, and taking on exciting projects onsite at the South Jakarta office.


But that was quickly shot down within the course of a few weeks. And the same with the rest of the world, scrambling hard and fast to adopt the new #StayAtHome norm.

但这很快在几周内就被击落。 与世界其他地方一样,努力争先恐后地采用新的#StayAtHome规范。

Even so, the uncertainties, my introversion and an occasionally glitchy internet connection didn’t make the WFH internship experience any less enjoyable.


现在,进入我的实习经历... (Now, onto my internship experience…)

Only after I started my internship as a product designer did I finally confirm that designing or creating a product is not just about designing itself.


Much like cooking the perfect dish, there’s more to the story than just the chefs picking the right combination of ingredients. We have the farmers (business managers), who handpick their crops to sell; the middlemen (product managers) in charge of the logistics; the chefs (designers & developers), and the servers (QA), whose role is to make sure the food (the product!) and satisfaction are delivered to the customers.

就像烹制完美菜肴一样,故事的意义不仅仅在于厨师挑选正确的食材组合。 我们有农民(业务经理),他们亲自摘下农作物进行出售; 负责物流的中间人(产品经理); 厨师(设计人员和开发人员)和服务器(QA),其作用是确保将食物(产品!)和满意度交付给客户。

Behind every product, the interests and the works of different stakeholders are involved.


At OVO, I found that the roles of these stakeholders are rarely mutually exclusive to one another. Everyone has a say in how the product will grow, from start to release. OVO designers do not simply nod and do what is asked of them. Putting users’ needs as the cornerstone, designers fight relentlessly for their judgements and even if there are technical limitations, they don’t just compromise. They work around the clock to find the best alternative solution. In the same way designers give feedback, developers would sometimes voice out their concerns over certain user experiences.

在OVO,我发现这些利益相关者的角色很少互相排斥。 每个人对于产品从开始到发布的增长方式都有发言权。 OVO设计师不只是点头并做他们所要求的。 设计师将用户的需求作为基石,他们为自己的判断进行不懈的努力,即使存在技术限制,他们也不会妥协。 他们全天候工作,以找到最佳的替代解决方案。 以设计人员提供反馈的相同方式,开发人员有时会表达他们对某些用户体验的担忧。

That visibility of the process and being included in every step of the product development — even the interns! — are some of the many reasons why I enjoy working at OVO so much.

流程的可见性,并包括在产品开发的每个步骤中,甚至包括实习生! -我之所以喜欢在OVO工作的许多原因中的一些。

But at times, working from home makes it very hard to maintain that visibility and feedback system. You can no longer roll your chair towards a colleague’s table to peek at what they are doing, or tap your mentor’s shoulders to ask amateur questions. Developers cannot just walk to the designer and ask whether the placement of an element should be more to the left or to the right. Product managers are no longer able to stand around a designer’s table to discuss a viable user journey for a new feature.

但是有时,在家工作很难维持可见性和反馈系统。 您不再可以将椅子向同事的桌子滚来看看他们在做什么,也不能轻敲导师的肩膀问业余问题。 开发人员不能只问设计师,而应该问元素的位置应该在左侧还是右侧。 产品经理不再能够站在设计师的桌子旁讨论新功能的可行用户旅程。

Everyone is working alone, except they are not. Nor should they be.

每个人都独自工作,除非不是。 他们也不应该。

In response to the impact of COVID-19, the design team was quick to take up new collaboration measures and even team restructuring in order to make the work-from-home experience a smoother one.


And to sum it all up, these are the discoveries and experiences I have gained from my time as a remote intern at OVO:


1.签到和对齐至关重要,尤其是在这些时候 (1. Check-ins and alignments are vital, especially in these times)

It’s hard to keep track of what my teammates are doing, especially since we don’t work together in person. To keep everyone in check, the design team would have daily stand-ups online. Our team leader, Stevanus Christopel, would start the day with three questions:

很难跟踪我的队友在做什么,尤其是因为我们没有亲自合作。 为了使所有人都能接受检查,设计团队将每天在线上站着。 我们的团队负责人Stevanus Christopel将以三个问题开始新的一天:

What did you do yesterday? What will you do today? Any blockers?

你昨天做了什么? 你今天要做什么? 有阻滞剂吗

…and end the day with one….


What have you achieved?


We too have daily and weekly check-ins with product managers and the tech team working on each product. Here, the developers have the chance to raise any concerns to the designers and PMs, and vice versa. This makes the progress of a project more transparent. Sprints and deliverables are planned and scheduled better!

我们也每天和每周都有产品经理和负责每个产品的技术团队签到。 在这里,开发人员有机会向设计师和项目经理提出任何问题,反之亦然。 这使项目的进度更加透明。 冲刺和可交付成果的计划和安排更好!

But these meetings are so much more than the team leader collecting to-do lists from each member. It’s more about making a commitment to each other — that this is what I will do and can finish by today, like a finish line to run towards at the end of every day. It’s also a fuel that motivates you to finish as much work as you can, especially now that your workspace is also your resting place. (I know how hard it is to resist the bed!)

但是这些会议远不止团队负责人从每个成员那里收集待办事项清单。 它更多的是让彼此的承诺- 我会做什么,并且可以通过今天完成 ,就像一个终点线对在每天结束时运行。 这也是激发您完成尽可能多的工作的动力,尤其是现在您的工作空间也是您的休息场所。 (我知道抵抗床有多难!)

2.记录所有内容:每个设计更改,每个决定 (2. Document everything: every design changes, every decision made)

One call after another, important ideas replaced by a choppy voice quality, discussions being drowned by a tsunami of more discussions in lengthy Slack threads…


It is easy to lose track of everything and spiral into a tangled mess of information.


In moments of stress and confusion like that, I found documentation an extremely useful tool. For every Sprint, the team documents every design that needs to be tweaked, every feature that needs to be explored in a Google Sheet. During design reviews and QA, we not only document the designs that require fixing, but also the reasons behind the critiques.

在这种紧张和混乱的时刻,我发现文档是一个非常有用的工具。 对于每个Sprint,团队都会记录需要调整的每个设计,以及需要在Google表格中浏览的每个功能。 在进行设计审查和质量检查时,我们不仅记录了需要修复的设计,还记录了提出批评的原因。

Documenting will not only ensure that we don’t miss any items on a current Sprint’s agenda, but also helps us keep track of decisions taken. In times of doubt where someone asks about a design change, we can now reply with ease, “I have tried this design, but it does not work because ____.”

记录不仅可以确保我们不会错过当前Sprint议程上的任何项目,而且还可以帮助我们跟踪所做出的决策。 在有人怀疑设计变更的时候,我们现在可以轻松地回答:“我已经尝试过这种设计,但是由于____而无法使用。”

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Action Plan on Google Sheets (Blurred to keep data confidentiality)

3.陷入困境时分享工作的重要性 (3. The importance of sharing your work when you’re stuck)

Sometimes we work on a design for too long, we get caught up in our own web of wild design ideas and assumptions. Getting a fresh pair of eyes to look at the work I’m doing helps me gain an insight on the things that I may have missed — whether it is the pixel-perfectness of a design or in the user experience side. Online collaboration tools such as Figma, Slack and Google Docs make it easy and quick to get input and suggestions from others.

有时我们对设计工作时间太长,我们陷入了我们狂野的设计思想和假设的网络中。 用新的眼光看我正在做的工作有助于我深入了解可能错过的事情-无论是设计的像素完美性还是用户体验方面。 在线协作工具(例如Figma,Slack和Google Docs)使您可以轻松快捷地从他人那里获得意见和建议。

As an intern, sharing and presenting my work gives me the opportunity to learn from the people who have been longer in the industry than I have. When else is the perfect time to learn, if not from the product designers themselves? From real people, not just from the textbooks or Medium articles! 😱

作为实习生,分享和展示我的工作使我有机会向行业中比我更长的人学习。 如果不是从产品设计师本人那里学习,那么什么时候是学习的最佳时机? 来自真实的人,而不仅仅是教科书或中​​篇文章! 😱

Harsh, but honest critiques used to be my biggest foe, but it is now my climbing stone to being a better designer and collaborator during my internship.


4.如何远程构思,但作为一个团队在一起? (4. How to ideate remotely, but together as a team?)

In our brainstorming sessions, the team I worked with would make use of Whimsical to map out user journeys, list down our ideas, benchmarking and even wireframing. But once we were met with a tricky design problem, I found that simply turning my best idea into mockups and hoping one solution would work wasn’t enough.

在我们的集思广益会议中,我与之合作的团队将利用Whimsical来绘制用户旅程,列出我们的想法,进行基准测试,甚至进行线框图绘制。 但是,一旦遇到棘手的设计问题,我发现仅仅将我的最佳想法转换为模型,并希望一种解决方案能够奏效是不够的。

Endless discussions on Slack threads, team calls without a conclusion, a deadline looming over our heads but no progress… We were always running in circles, running into dead-ends.


It was then I was introduced to the whiteboard exercise. Before, we were always asking the wrong questions, each of us trying to solve different problems. But during the whiteboarding session, we were forced to condense the bundle of issues into one mutual goal we’re trying to reach. We identified the user, their needs, highlighted the technical and behavioural constraints they may meet on their way of achieving a certain task.

那时我被介绍了白板练习。 以前,我们总是问错问题,我们每个人都试图解决不同的问题。 但是在白板会议期间,我们被迫将一系列问题压缩为一个我们试图达成的共同目标。 我们确定了用户,他们的需求,并强调了他们在完成特定任务时可能遇到的技术和行为约束。

Then, instead of diving right into the wireframes and the design deets, we fill in the solution space with our ideas — in bullet points. This is the time where we think out loud. Rather than keeping the ‘what-if’s and ‘what-about’s in our heads, each of us was encouraged to share them and challenge any idea that came up. With a Whimsical page full of questions, assumptions and ideas to explore, our team was better aligned over design decisions to make and where to go next.

然后,我们没有深入研究线框和设计说明 ,而是在要点中用想法填充了解决方案空间。 这是我们大声思考的时候。 我们每个人都没有分享“假设”和“关于”的知识,而是鼓励他们分享它们,并挑战提出的任何想法。 在充满异想天开的问题,假设和想法的异想天开的页面上,我们的团队可以更好地协调要做出的设计决策以及下一步的工作。

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Exercise on Whimsical (Blurred to keep data confidentiality) 练习 (模糊处理以保持数据机密性)

It’s a magical problem solving framework that I will definitely use in my future projects!


5.最后,团队联系! (5. And lastly, team bonding!)

WFH makes it easy to lose that human connection we usually get from working together in the office. With the absence of human interaction, it’s easy to lose track of time, losing ourselves in our own personal bubbles of work: sitting in front of the computer, typing up messages, and staring at Sketch artboards all day long.

WFH使我们在办公室一起工作时通常失去的人际关系变得容易。 由于没有人与人之间的互动,很容易失去时间,迷失在自己的私人工作泡沫中:坐在计算机前,输入消息,整日盯着Sketch画板。

But it does not have to be work, work, work all the time.


Occasionally, the design team would set aside some time to talk and do about anything unrelated to work. We would have virtual team-building activities through Google Hangouts, like having dinners together, scribbling away on Gartic.io, and simply to sit together in front of a camera to joke around.

有时,设计团队会花一些时间来谈论和处理与工作无关的任何事情。 我们将通过Google环聊进行虚拟的团队建设活动,例如一起吃晚饭 ,在Gartic.io上乱涂乱画 ,以及只是一起坐在镜头前开玩笑。

It is through casual conversations and activities like those I feel the most grateful to be a part of the OVO Design team, where the culture does not only revolve around work, but the wellbeing of its people — and the users. Although separated by computer screens and the social distancing norms, the design team still feels very much together.

我最感激能够通过OVO设计团队参与其中的非正式对话和活动,在OVO设计团队中,文化不仅围绕工作,而且围绕员工和用户的福祉。 尽管被计算机屏幕和社会隔离规范隔开,但设计团队仍然感觉非常融洽

Working at OVO gave me more insights than just the workings of the FinTech industry or how complex, but exciting ideas are turned into an impactful app. The experience has broadened my visions as a designer and helped me grow as a person.

在OVO的工作不仅给我带来了更多的见解,还不仅仅是金融科技行业的运作方式,还是给我带来了许多激动人心的想法,这些想法却变成了具有影响力的应用程序。 经历拓宽了我作为设计师的视野,并帮助我成长为一个人。

During my internship, I was given the opportunity to work on actual projects instead of an intern project that I have to complete by the end of my internship term. Such faith and confidence that were trusted to me has definitely shaped me into a better designer, thinker and collaborator than I was five months ago.

在实习期间,我有机会从事实际项目,而不是在实习期结束前必须完成的实习项目。 这种信任和信任使我比五个月前成为了一个更好的设计师,思想家和合作者。

And working with professional, passionate and open-minded designers has given me the image of the designer that I aspire to be.


I don’t know where I will be five years from now. But to have had an impact — regardless of how significant — on a product that is helping to promote financial literacy and a cashless future in Indonesia will forever be an experience that I will never forget.

我不知道五年后我会在哪里。 但是,不管对产品的影响有多大,无论它有多重要,它都将永远是我永远不会忘记的经历,这种产品将有助于促进金融知识的普及和印尼无现金的未来。

If you are interested in doing an internship, we’re currently accepting interns with very limited slots. To apply, send your profile & portfolio to design@ovo.id.

如果您有兴趣进行实习,我们目前正在接受插槽非常有限的实习生。 要申请,请将您的个人资料和投资组合发送到 design@ovo.id

翻译自: https://medium.com/ovo-design/reflecting-on-my-time-as-a-remote-product-design-intern-at-ovo-38d1fa0ed00

ovo svm




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