I've been a people manager as well as an IC (individual contributor) for a while now, and while I don't yet have the confidence to tell you I'm a good manager, I can tell you that I'm trying and that I'm introspective about my efforts.
My small team applies J.D.'s technique of "Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection" to our own work. As he says, this is the heart of his results system.
我的小团队将JD的“星期一愿景,每日成果,星期五反思”技术运用到我们自己的工作中。 正如他所说,这是他成绩体系的核心。
The way it works is, on Mondays, you figure out the 3 outcomes you want for the week. Each day you identify 3 outcomes you want to accomplish. On Friday, you reflect on 3 things going well and 3 things to improve. It’s that simple. - J.D. Meier
它的工作方式是,在星期一,您确定一周中想要的3个结果。 每天,您都会确定要完成的3个结果。 在星期五,您会反思3件事进展顺利,还有3件事需要改进。 就这么简单。 -JD Meier
We are a remote team and we are in three different time zones so the "morning standup" doesn't really work so well for us. We want a "scrum" style standup, but we're a team that lives in Email/Slack/Microsoft Teams/Skype.
我们是一个远程团队,我们位于三个不同的时区,因此“早晨站立”对我们来说并不是很好。 我们想要一个“ scrum”风格的站立,但是我们是一个居住在Email / Slack / Microsoft Teams / Skype中的团队。
Here's how Monday Vision works for us as a team. We are transparent about what we're working on and we are honest about what works and when we stumble.
这是Monday Vision为我们团队工作的方式。 我们对正在做的事情保持透明,对什么可行以及何时跌倒感到诚实。
On Monday morning each of us emails the team with:
- What we hope to accomplish this week. Usually 3-5 things. 我们希望本周完成什么。 通常3-5件事。
- This isn't a complete list of everything on our minds. It's just enough to give context and a vector/direction. 这不是我们脑海中所有事物的完整清单。 仅给出上下文和向量/方向即可。
It's important that we are clear on what our goals are. What would it take for this week to be amazing? What kinds of things are standing in our way? As a manager I think my job is primarily as traffic cop and support. My job is to get stuff out of my team's way. That might be paperwork, other teams, technical stuff, whatever is keeping them out of their flow.
重要的是我们要清楚我们的目标是什么。 这一周变得惊人,需要什么? 什么样的事情阻碍了我们的发展? 作为经理,我认为我的工作主要是交通警察和支持。 我的工作是让团队摆脱困境。 可能是文书工作,其他团队或技术性工作,无论是什么使他们无法正常工作。
These emails might be as simple as this (~real) example from a team member.
Last Week:
DevIntersection Conference
- Workshop and 2 sessions 工作坊和2节
- Got approval from Hunter for new JavaScript functionality 获得了Hunter的新JavaScript功能批准
This Week:
- Trip Report, Expenses, and general administrivia from the event last week 上周活动的旅行报告,费用和一般行政管理
- Final planning for MVP Summit MVP峰会的最终计划
- Spring Planning for ASP.NET Web Forms, IIS Express, EF4, WCF, and more 用于ASP.NET Web窗体,IIS Express,EF4,WCF等的Spring Planning
- Modern ASP.NET Web Forms research paper 现代ASP.NET Web表单研究论文
- Thursday evening – presenting over Skype to the London.NET user-group “Introduction to Microservices in ASP.NET Core” 周四晚上–通过Skype向London.NET用户组介绍“ ASP.NET Core中的微服务简介”
Again, the lengths and amount of detail vary. Here's the challenge part though - and my team hasn't nailed this yet and that's mostly my fault - Friday Reflection. I have an appointment on my calendar for Friday at 4:30pm to Reflect. This is literally blocked out time to look back and ask these questions....
同样,细节的长度和数量也有所不同。 但是,这是挑战部分-我的团队还没有确定,这主要是我的错-星期五反思。 我的日历上有一个约会,周五星期五是4:30,以进行反思。 从字面上看,这使我们无法回头问这些问题。
On Friday evening on the way out, email the team with:
- What worked this week? Why didn't Project Foo get done? Was the problem technical? Logistical? Organizational? 这周什么工作了? 为什么Project Foo没有完成? 问题是技术上的吗? 后勤? 组织?
- Did you feel amazing about this week? Why? Why not? How can we make next week feel better? 您对本周感到惊讶吗? 为什么? 为什么不? 我们如何让下周好起来?
What do you do to kick off and close down your week?
相关的JD Meier生产力阅读 (Related J.D. Meier productivity reading)
The Rule of 3
Life Frame
How To Use Timeboxes for Getting Results
Rituals for Results
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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/monday-vision-daily-outcomes-friday-reflection-for-remote-team-management