原因: texscan是一个需要指定格式和调用次数的函数,他对文件的操作并不是以换行符为分界线的,所以fgetl在textscan之后调用时,需要对遗留的换行符进行处理,所以每次fgetl会有一次返回空值的情况。
C = textscan(fileID,formatSpec,N) /*按 formatSpec 读取文件数据 N 次,其中 N 是一个正整数。
要在 N 个周期后从文件读取其他数据,请使用原 fileID 再次调用 textscan 进行扫描。
如果通过调用具有相同文件标识符 (fileID) 的 textscan 恢复文件的文本扫描,则 textscan 将在上次终止读取的点处自动恢复读取*/
function tline = fgetl(fid)
%FGETL Read line from file, discard newline character.
% TLINE = FGETL(FID) returns the next line of a file associated with file
% identifier FID as a MATLAB character vector. The line terminator is NOT included.
% Use FGETS to get the next line with the line terminator INCLUDED. If just an
% end-of-file is encountered, -1 is returned.
% If an error occurs while reading from the file, FGETL returns an empty character
% vector. Use FERROR to determine the nature of the error.
% MATLAB reads characters using the encoding scheme associated with the file. See
% FOPEN for more information.
% FGETL is intended for use with files that contain newline characters. Given a
% file with no newline characters, FGETL may take a long time to execute.
% Example
% fid=fopen('fgetl.m');
% while 1
% tline = fgetl(fid);
% if ~ischar(tline), break, end
% disp(tline)
% end
% fclose(fid);
% See also FGETS, FOPEN, FERROR.% Copyright 1984-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.narginchk(1,1)[tline,lt] = fgets(fid);
tline = tline(1:end-length(lt));
if isempty(tline)tline = '';