
article/2025/3/3 4:49:54



  • 一、D*算法是什么?
  • 二、原理以及代码步骤
    • 1.原理分析
    • 2.代码解释
  • 总结






  1. 首次搜索
    大概说一下,每个格子包含有三个量(节点名,代价,父节点),从终点A开始,搜索周围的邻节点,给它们分别标号:B,C,D,E,F,代价按照规定的计算(上下左右的代价为10,斜着方向的代价为14),并把终点A放入close list里面(不再遍历)。然后找出代价最小的节点作为新节点,继续搜索,在搜索过程中,如果有节点K已经有代价,但是以新的点为父节点,这个节点K的代价值更小,那么更新其代价值和父节点。
  2. 遇到障碍


  1. D算法首次搜索
# coding=utf-8
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mathmap_grid = [[1 for j in range(0, 8)] for i in range(0, 8)]  # 定义列表
map_grid = np.array(map_grid)  # 将列表转化为数组,因为只有数组才有维度的概念,方便切片
map_grid[3:6, 1] = 0  # 障碍物
map_grid[3:6, 5] = 0
map_grid[0, 3] = 5  # 起点
map_grid[7, 3] = 6  # 终点def draw_effect(map_grid,second_path):plt.imshow(map_grid, cmap=plt.cm.hot, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=10)  # 绘制热力图plt.colorbar()plt.xlim(-1, 8)  # x轴的范围plt.ylim(-1, 8)my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 8, 1)  # x轴标号的范围my_y_ticks = np.arange(0, 8, 1)plt.xticks(my_x_ticks)plt.yticks(my_y_ticks)second_path = np.array(second_path)plt.plot(second_path[:, 1:2],second_path[:, 0:1],'-')# plt.grid(True)  # 开启栅格  可以不开启plt.show()  # 可视化open_list = [[7, 3, 0, 0, None, None]]  # 将终点置于open列表中列表中分别有x0,y0坐标,h值,父节点X、Y坐标
close_list = []# draw_effect(map_grid)
# 将邻域放入open_list中
def open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list):if 0 <= x1 <= 7 and 0 <= y1 <= 7 and map_grid[x1, y1] != 4 and map_grid[x1, y1] != 0:  # 左边没有越界并且没有在closelist里面if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:  # 如果是在open_list中,h要更新open_list = np.array(open_list)if (h1 + h0) < open_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x1) & (open_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2]:h = h1 + h0k = h1 + h0open_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x1) & (open_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2] = hopen_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x1) & (open_list[:, 1] == y1)), 3] = kopen_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x1) & (open_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] = x0open_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x1) & (open_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] = y0open_list = list(open_list.tolist())else:  # 是new节点h = h1 + h0k = h1 + h0# open_list = list(open_list)open_list.append([x1, y1, h, k, x0, y0])map_grid[x1, y1] = 3return open_list# 首次搜索
def first_search(open_list, close_list, map_grid):  # 给出终点坐标,完成首次遍历# 采用D算法遍历# 选openlist中h最小的,将openlist按照h排序,取第一个,并删除第一个,将它放到close_list里面open_list = list(open_list)open_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])# open_list.pop(0)insert_list = open_list[0]  # 引入中间列表,用来存储每一次被选中的遍历的点x0 = int(insert_list[0])y0 = int(insert_list[1])open_list.pop(0)close_list.append(list(insert_list))map_grid[x0, y0] = 4  # 被加入到close_list里面# 找insert_list的邻域 ----->寻找顺序:从左边开始逆时针h0 = int(insert_list[2])x1 = x0y1 = y0 - 1h1 = 10open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0 - 1y1 = y0 - 1h1 = 14open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0 - 1y1 = y0h1 = 10open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0 - 1y1 = y0 + 1h1 = 14open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0y1 = y0 + 1h1 = 10open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0 + 1y1 = y0 + 1h1 = 14open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0 + 1y1 = y0h1 = 10open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)x1 = x0 + 1y1 = y0 - 1h1 = 14open_list = open_list_append(x0, y0, x1, y1, h0, h1, map_grid, open_list)return [open_list, close_list, map_grid]while map_grid[0, 3] != 4 and open_list != []:[open_list, close_list, map_grid] = first_search(open_list, close_list, map_grid)# 首次搜索完成
first_path = []
close_list = np.array(close_list)
xn = 0
yn = 3
while xn != 7 or yn != 3:list1 = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == xn) & (close_list[:, 1] == yn))][0])xn = int(list1[4])yn = int(list1[5])first_path.append(list1)first_path.append([7, 3, 0, 0, None, None])



  1. 设置随机障碍,开始第二次搜索
# 通过上面的程序已经找到了一条路径,完成了第一次的搜索,此时每个节点的h和k是相等的。此时开始点在close list里面,最短路径在firstpath中。
# 可以看出,每个节点的父节点都是该节点的八个邻节点中k值最小的哪个。
# 当出现动态变化时,我们可以利用这个图尽快修正我们的路径,而不是重新规划。
# 当我们检测到某点被阻碍了:1、修改这个点的h值,h变为inf,把它放入openlist中。注意此时该节点的k还是小值,是原来哪个h的值,因此它将立即被取出
# 2、把这个修改扩散出去,直到kmin >=h
# 设置一个突然出现的障碍
map_grid[3, 3] = 0close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 4] == 3) & (close_list[:, 5] == 3)), 2] = math.inf
close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == 3) & (close_list[:, 1] == 3)), 2] = math.inf
insertRow = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 4] == 3) & (close_list[:, 5] == 3))][0])
x = int(insertRow[0])
y = int(insertRow[1])
open_list.append(insertRow)  # ->>>>>>open_list是列表格式
map_grid[x, y] = 3
close_list = list(close_list.tolist())  # ----->>>>>close_list是列表格式
open_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[3])  # 先排序,选择k最小的节点
k_min = open_list[0][3]  #
hx = open_list[0][2]# 接下来把这个点扩散出去def find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list):close_list = np.array(close_list)hy = close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2][0]if (hy <= k_old) and (hx > hy + h1):close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x0) & (close_list[:, 1] == y0)), 4] = x1close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x0) & (close_list[:, 1] == y0)), 5] = y1close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x0) & (close_list[:, 1] == y0)), 2] = hy + h1hx = hy + h1return [hx, list(close_list.tolist())]def find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list, map_grid):close_list = np.array(close_list)hy = close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2][0]if (close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] == x0 and close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] == y0 and (hy != hx + h1)) or ((hy > hx + h1) and ((close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] != x0) or (close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] != y0))):close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] = x0close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] = y0close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2] = hx + h1Y = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1))][0])# 把Y放入open_list中close_list = list(close_list.tolist())close_list.remove(Y)open_list.append(Y)map_grid[x1, y1] = 3return [open_list, close_list, map_grid]def find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list, map_grid):close_list = np.array(close_list)hy = close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2][0]if (close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] == x0 and close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] == y0 and (hy != hx + h1)):close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] = x0close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] = y0close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 2] = hx + h1Y = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1))][0])# 把Y放入open_list中close_list = list(close_list.tolist())close_list.remove(Y)open_list.append(Y)map_grid[x1, y1] = 3else:if ((close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] != x0 or close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] != y0) and (hy > hx + h1)):#print(list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x0) & (close_list[:, 1] == y0))][0]))if map_grid[x0,y0]!=3:X = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x0) & (close_list[:, 1] == y0))][0])close_list = list(close_list.tolist())close_list.remove(X)open_list.append(X)else:open_list = np.array(open_list)X = list(open_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x0) & (open_list[:, 1] == y0))][0])open_list = list(open_list.tolist())#     # 把Y放入open_list中map_grid[x0, y0] = 3else:if ((close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 4] != x0 or close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1)), 5] != y0) and (hx > hy + h1)) and \map_grid[x1, y1] == 4 and hy > k_old:if map_grid[x1, y1] != 3:Y = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == x1) & (close_list[:, 1] == y1))][0])close_list = list(close_list.tolist())close_list.remove(Y)open_list.append(Y)else:open_list = np.array(open_list)Y = list(open_list[np.where((open_list[:, 0] == x1) & (open_list[:, 1] == y1))][0])open_list = list(open_list.tolist())# 把Y放入open_list中map_grid[x1, y1] = 3return [open_list, close_list, map_grid]# 扩散程序 process-state:先弹出openlist列表中k最小的节点,并删除这个节点。然后分类处理:
def process_state(open_list, close_list, map_grid):# 修改这个点的h值open_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[3])  # 先排序,选择k最小的节点X = open_list[0]  # X表示k最小的节点x0 = int(X[0])y0 = int(X[1])close_list.append(X)  # 将它放入closelistmap_grid[x0, y0] = 4open_list.remove(X)# 从openlist中删除这个节点# 分类处理:(该节点处于lower状态,该节点处于lower状态)k_old = X[3]hx = X[2]# print(close_list)if k_old < hx:  # k_old是上升状态x1 = x0y1 = y0 - 1h1 = 10[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0 - 1y1 = y0 - 1h1 = 14[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0 - 1y1 = y0h1 = 10[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0 - 1y1 = y0 + 1h1 = 14[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0y1 = y0 + 1h1 = 10[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0 + 1y1 = y0 + 1h1 = 14[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0 + 1y1 = y0h1 = 10[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)x1 = x0 + 1y1 = y0 - 1h1 = 14[hx, close_list] = find_neighbor(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list)# 找它的邻节点,看能不能让它的h降低#print(hx)# if k_old == hx:  # 该节点x处于lower状态#     x1 = x0#     y1 = y0 - 1#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 - 1#     y1 = y0 - 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 - 1#     y1 = y0#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 - 1#     y1 = y0 + 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0#     y1 = y0 + 1#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 + 1#     y1 = y0 + 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 + 1#     y1 = y0#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 + 1#     y1 = y0 - 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor2(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)## else:#     x1 = x0#     y1 = y0 - 1#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 - 1#     y1 = y0 - 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)#     ##     x1 = x0 - 1#     y1 = y0#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)#     ##     x1 = x0 - 1#     y1 = y0 + 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)#     ##     x1 = x0#     y1 = y0 + 1#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)#     x1 = x0 + 1#     y1 = y0 + 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)##     x1 = x0 + 1#     y1 = y0#     h1 = 10#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                        map_grid)#     x1 = x0 + 1#     y1 = y0 - 1#     h1 = 14#     [open_list, close_list, map_grid] = find_neighbor3(x0, y0, x1, y1, k_old, hx, h1, close_list, open_list,#                                                    map_grid)open_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[3])  # 先排序,选择k最小的节点k_min = open_list[0][3]  #return [open_list, list(close_list), map_grid,k_min,hx]while k_min<hx:[open_list, close_list, map_grid,k_min,hx] = process_state(open_list, close_list, map_grid)#避障
second_path = []
close_list = np.array(close_list)
xn = 0
yn = 3
while xn != 7 or yn != 3:list1 = list(close_list[np.where((close_list[:, 0] == xn) & (close_list[:, 1] == yn))][0])xn = int(list1[4])yn = int(list1[5])second_path.append(list1)second_path.append([7, 3, 0, 0, None, None])
print("Find it")



D* 算法融合了D算法和A* 算法,可以处理局部动态障碍,运算速度很快。
k_old<h(x): 当前h(x)升高说明原来的路径已经不是最优的了,如果在x周围能找到一个点,h.y+c(x,y)更小,那就修改x的父节点,重置其h的值。

k_old=h(x): 它的父节点是X,但是h.y却不等, 设想一下说明这说明h.y被更改了,但是父节点还没有变。





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Bresenham 画圆算法原理

文章目录 前言Bresenham 画圆算法原理两个近似构造判别式圆与网格点的关系关系由来关系含义p i p_i pi​ 递推画圆程序伪码圆与网格点的关系图示前言 首先简要介绍一下生成圆的方法: 直接利用圆的方程生成圆利用圆的对称性生成圆方法一由于会涉及到浮点运算等因素,不采取该方…


添加、移除组件属性方法: $(".class名").attr("属性名","属性值");//设置指定属性 $(".class名").attr("属性名");//读取指定属性值 or document.getElementById("id值").getAttribute("属性名…


补充&#xff1a;由于不清楚一些属性是内置属性还是自定义属性 所以h5规定 自定义属性使用date-开头作为属性并赋值 案例1: <body><div date-index"1"></div> </body> <script>var div document.querySelector(div);console.log(div…


1.获取属性值&#xff1a; element.属性 获取属性值 element.getAttribute&#xff08;‘属性’&#xff09;&#xff1b; 2.区别&#xff1a; element.属性 获取内置属性值&#xff08;元素本身自带的属性&#xff09; element.getAttribute&#xff08;‘属性’&#xff09;&…


Thinking系列&#xff0c;旨在利用10分钟的时间传达一种可落地的编程思想。 业务开发中&#xff0c;我们经常会遇到&#xff1a;基于后端返回接口数据&#xff0c;前端保存到对象 Object 中&#xff0c;前端开发过程中为了一些场景的便利性&#xff0c;需要在该对象中增加相应的…


一、效果 代码 <style>div{width:100px;height: 100px;background-color: red;}.clsP{background-color: #00FF00;}</style><body><input type"button" value"移除属性" id"btn" /><div id"dv" score&q…

合天网安实验室CTF-解密100-Funny Crypto

合天网安实验室CTF-解密100-Funny Crypto 题目描述 tgbnjuy 8ujko9 5rfgy6 相关附件 题目链接 参考解题步骤 字母被围起来的字母图示颜色tgbnjuyh红8ujko9i绿5rfgy6t蓝 提交flag&#xff1a;hit

数字取证之Autopsy ——合天网安实验室学习笔记

实验链接 Autopsy Forensic Browser 是数字取证工具-The Sleuth Kit&#xff08;TSK&#xff09;的图形界面&#xff0c;用于对文件系统和卷进行取证。通过本实验学习文件系统取证的思想与方法&#xff0c;掌握Autopsy的使用。 链接&#xff1a;http://www.hetianlab.com/exp…


0x01预备知识 1、概念&#xff1a; 相对路径和绝对路径 绝对路径&#xff1a;例如D&#xff1a;/test/test.mdb 相对路径&#xff1a;例如/test/test.mdb 2、%5C暴库 简单点说&#xff0c;就是在打开页面的时候把网页中的/换成%5C&#xff0c;然后提交就可以得到数据库地址…

【合天网安】FCKeditor 2.4.3文件上传漏洞

【合天网安实验室】FCKeditor 2.4.3文件上传漏洞 编辑器漏洞 常见的文本编辑器有FCKeditor、Ewebeditor、UEditor、KindEditor、XHeditor等&#xff0c;它们包含的功能类似&#xff0c;如图片上传、视频上传、远程下载等。使用这类编辑器减少了程序开发的时间&#xff0c;但也…

摩尔斯电码和栅栏密码 ——合天网安实验室学习笔记

实验链接 通过学习本实验理解摩尔斯电码和栅栏密码的编码解码过程&#xff1b;掌握编写摩尔斯电码的编码解码程序和编写多功能栅栏密码的编码解码程序。 链接&#xff1a;http://www.hetianlab.com/expc.do?ce64d3e661-ebbb-41fd-a220-a17d608f994e 实验简介 实验所属系列…


【合天网安实验室】DoraBox之文件包含及任意文件读取漏洞 目的&#xff1a; 过DoraBox靶场系列练习&#xff0c;学习任意文件包含、目录限制文件包含及任意文件读取漏洞的利用过程。 实验过程&#xff1a; 1.确保Apache、MySQL服务正常开启 2、查看.txt文本内容 3.使用includ…


根据指导书我们要先在实验机进入这个网址http:// 进入之后会看到三个实例。 实例一 根据指导书的提示来做这一题。后面两个实例也要看这个指导书。 先判断是否存在注入 方法一 在参数后面加上单引号,比如: http://xxx/abc.php?id1’ 如果页面返回错误&#xff…

合天网安《Weekly CTF》第四周

Check your source code 题目介绍 打开靶机&#xff0c;进步网站&#xff0c;是一个登陆框 首先&#xff0c;根据题名的提示&#xff0c;f12&#xff0c;发现存在source.txt 打开source.txt&#xff0c;出现源码 对源码进行分析 <?php $flag "XXXXXXXXXXXX"…

计算机取证之Xplico ——合天网安实验室学习笔记

实验链接 Xplico是一款开源的网络取证分析工具&#xff0c;其分析与呈现的能力非常强大。Xplico可以捕获Internet网络应用层流量&#xff0c;通过流量解析&#xff0c;解析出网络包中的各种应用数据&#xff0c;还原网络数据发送现场。通过本实验学习掌握Xplico使用方法&#…