They folks over at DasKeyboard loaned me a reviewers copy of their totally blank keyboard about three weeks ago and I've been typing on it since.
大约在三周前, DasKeyboard的同事们借给了我审阅他们完全空白的键盘的副本,此后我一直在打字。
Sure it's blank, and at cursory glance, that's a gimmick. But DasKeyboard claims to have individually weighted keys. Most keyboards have keys weighted at 55 grams of force - that's how hard you have to push. DasKeyboard has 5 different levels of force from 35 grams to 80 grams lined up with the varying strength of your fingers. I know that my pinky fingers do tend to hurt more than the primary fingers.
确保它是空白的,并且粗略地看,那是个a头。 但是DasKeyboard声称具有单独加权的键。 大多数键盘的按键重量为55克-这就是您要按下的力度。 DasKeyboard具有5种不同级别的力,范围从35克到80克不等,可以随手指的力量而变化。 我知道我的小指手指确实比主要手指受的伤害更大。
There's a 30-day guarantee, and they are currently on sale for $70. It's a smidge spendy - I'd pay no more than $50 myself, but +/-$20 it's a very nice feeling keyboard. The key travel is smooth and comfortable. Be aware, it uses a legacy-free USB interface, so no old-style keyboard interface here, but that shouldn't be a problem for a computer purchased this century.
有30天的保修期,目前它们的售价为70美元。 这是一个花哨的花钱-我自己支付的费用不超过$ 50,但+ /-$ 20的键盘感觉非常好。 关键行程平稳舒适。 请注意,它使用了无遗留的USB接口,因此这里没有老式的键盘接口,但这对于本世纪购买的计算机来说应该不是问题。
I'm still having trouble with the [ ] bracket keys and a few other programmer specific symbols, but my prose typing has definitely improved in speed. When I go home now after using DasKeyboad for just under a month I don't have to look at my fingers at all. My wife likes it also as she's been trying to become a touch typer.
我仍然无法使用[]括号键和其他一些程序员特定的符号,但是我的散文键入速度确实得到了提高。 在使用DasKeyboad不到一个月之后,现在回到家时,我根本不需要看手指。 我的妻子也很喜欢它,因为她一直在努力成为触摸打字机。
Another benefit for blank keys is easy switching between Dvorak and Qwerty keyboard layout. I've tried to switch twice and failed. One day I'll try again, probably with a blank keyboard. I know at least one co-worker who types Dvorak on a Qwerty keyboard. I'm not sure how he ignores the Qwerty lettering.
空白键的另一个好处是可以在Dvorak和Qwerty键盘布局之间轻松切换。 我尝试切换两次失败。 有一天,我可能会尝试使用空白键盘重试。 我知道至少有一个同事在Qwerty键盘上键入Dvorak。 我不确定他如何忽略Qwerty字母。
There are a few competitors out there like the Happy Hacking Keyboard that includes no cursor keys, but none have the individually weighted keys.
那里有一些竞争对手,例如Happy Hacking键盘,其中不包含光标键,但是都没有单独加权的键。
I'm very sorry to see my reviewer keyboard go back in the mail this week. If you're interested in typing faster, you're having finger fatigue, or you just would like a nice, classic keyboard with the added benefit of smoother, individually weighted keys and a nice key throw, you should check out DasKeyboard.
很抱歉看到我的审阅者键盘在本周返回邮件。 如果您想更快地键入内容,或者手指疲劳,或者只是想要一个美观,经典的键盘,并具有更平滑,单独加权的按键和不错的按键投掷功能,则应该查看DasKeyboard。
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/daskeyboard