ChatGPT和New Bing学术提问模版

article/2025/1/24 13:32:03


如何ChatGPT或者New Bing润色/翻译论文,从摘要提取标题,


Please act as an English translator, spelling corrector, and writing improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. It would help if you used artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful, elegant, upper-level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise, and powerful. I want you to only answer the correction, and the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations.
My first sentence/paragraph is “xxx” .


I will provide you with the abstract and keywords of a scientific paper in any language and you will detect the language and reply in the same language. Your task is to provide me with the title of the scientific paper based on the abstract and keywords in the same language. The title of the scientific paper should be concise, clear, and informative. You should avoid using wasted words such as “a study of,” “investigation of.“development of” or “observations on.” Make sure the title can grip the audience immediately.
The abstract is"XXX".
The keywords are “XXX”

3. 选择匹配期刊

I want you to act as a scientific manuscript matcher. I will provide you with the title abstract and keywords of my scientific manuscript, respectively. Your task is to analyze my title, abstract, and keywords synthetically to find the most related, reputable journals for potential publication of my research based on an analysis of tens of millions of citation connections in the database, such as Web of Science, Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect and so on. You only need to provide me with the 15 most suitable journals. Your reply should include the name of the journal, and the corresponding match score (The full score is ten). I want you to reply in a text-based excel sheet and sort by matching scores in reverse order.
The title is “XXX”, and the abstract is"XXX".
The keywords are “XXX”.

4. 文字精简

I was hoping you could act as a scientific refiner. I will provide you with a paragraph from a scientific paper. Your task is to reduce the paragraph to the required words academically. It would help if you used artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience in effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful, elegant, upper-level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise, and powerful.
My first paragraph is “XXX”.
Please refine the paragraph to 100 words or less.


基于ChatGPT完美替代 Grammarly润色和语法纠错的免费插件!

OpenAI Polisher Bob Plugin 简介 ChatGPT 向我们展示了 GPT 模型的伟大之处,所以我使用 ChatGPT 的 API 实现了这个用来给语言润色和语法纠错的 Bob 插件,效果拔群!完美替代 Grammarly! 使用截图 使用方法 安装 Bob (版本 > 0.50)下载此插…


引言 ChatGPT 最近非常火,引发各界关注。吸引了几亿人在使用。报道中充斥了各种言论:“学生用 ChatGPT 写作业”、“上线两个月活跃用户破亿”、“以后很多文案工作者要被 ChatGPT 取代了!”等等。究竟什么是 ChatGPT?用途有哪些…

“ChatGPT 正在取代员工”,最新 ChatGPT 调查报告发布!

编译 | 苏宓 出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews) 随着 2022 年 11 月 ChatGPT 的出现,AI 将会对人类的工作带来哪些影响,成为不少人焦虑的关键所在。毕竟 ChatGPT 不仅能回答任何问题,还能自动生成内容、编写代码、写…


OpenAI是chatGPT的开发公司,成立于2015年,总部位于美国旧金山。OpenAI致力于开发和推广人工智能技术,包括自然语言处理、视觉识别、机器学习等领域,旨在推动人工智能技术对全球社会和经济的影响和发展。 除了chatGPT之外&…


来源:新智元报道 编辑:Aeneas Ellie 【导读】美国最新调查显示,50%企业已经在用ChatGPT了,一半人表示,ChatGPT已经替代了员工。这一天终于来了? ChatGPT果然开始取代人类了! 美国《财富》杂志…




概述: ChatGPT,美国“开放人工智能研究中心”研发的聊天机器人程序 ,于2022年11月30日发布 。ChatGPT是人工智能技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,它能够通过学习和理解人类的语言来进行对话,还能根据聊天的上下文进行互动…


前言 ChatGPT是目前最强大的AI,不仅能够聊天、写小说,甚至码代码也不在话下。 但是在国内要使用chatgpt很麻烦,国内一家团队开发了一款idea插件NexChatGPT,用数据代理的方式,让我们在国内也能轻松的使用chatgpt。 一…

如何帮助 ChatGPT 更好地学习和进化:纠正其错误的回答

如果您发现了 ChatGPT 的回答存在错误,可以通过向 ChatGPT 提供正确的答案来帮助它更好地学习和改进。ChatGPT 可以立即接受您提供的信息,并将其整合到它的知识库中,以便在未来类似问题的回答中更准确地回答相关问题。 1、首先回答加密用MD5…

Stack Overflow 拒绝 ChatGPT 生成的问答内容!错误概率太高了!

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ChatGPT Network Error 在使用chatGPT的过程中回答到一半显示网络错误

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ChatGPT 回答什么是敏捷测试

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利用 ChatGPT 回答 R 相关问题

最近小编也尝试使用了 ChatGPT,下面给出一些知乎上常见 R 语言相关问题的回答。供大家参考: 目录 文章目录 目录经典问题预测数据科学软件排名数据科学的 10 个常用 R 包R 语言入门书籍和网站推荐回答专业问题 绘图绘制正负柱状图动态散点图 构建 Shiny…


本来我是没有国外的手机号的,也就没法注册chatGPT并使用。 不过好在 csdn 的猿如意 里面有体验功能,我就顺便体验一下。 这一次主要是看看chatGPT能否理解我的目的,很可惜,这一次并没有。 其实第一次 chatGPT准确的回答出了 自述…


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1. chatgpt简介 下面这段来自chatgpt的回答: ChatGPT是基于深度学习的自然语言处理模型,具体来说,它是一个预训练的神经网络模型,使用了Transformer架构和自回归语言建模技术。 训练ChatGPT的过程分为两个主要阶段: …